8 week training program for the launceston 10

Run 10k in 8weeks

10k is a very distance for beginner runners.  Below is an eight week training schedule to help the beginner runner get across the finish line. It assumes that you can already run at least 2 kilometers.
Before you stat this program make sure that you have been cleared by your doctor for running. 

Notes about this training program:
Mondays and Fridays: Mondays and Fridays are your rest days. It is critical to injury prevention and your recovery, so don't ignore rest days.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Run at a comfortable pace for the designated distance. Make sure you warm up before your run and do a good stretch and cool down after your run.
Saturdays: Is your long run day. After  a good warm up, run at a comfortable pace for the designated distance and also make sure you stretch and cool down after your run.
Wednesdays: Is a cross training activity day (such as biking, swimming, elliptical trainer) at easy to moderate effort for 30 to 40 minutes. If you're feeling sore or sluggish, take a rest day.
Sundays: Is an active recovery day. A run at an easy or comfortable pace will help loosen up your muscles. Or, you can cross-train.
Please note:
You can switch days to accommodate your schedule. So if you're busy on another day and prefer to workout on a Monday or Friday, it's fine to swap a rest day for a run day.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 Rest 2 km run Rest or Cross train 2k m run Rest 2.5 km run 25-30 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
2 Rest 2.5 km run Rest or Cross train 3 km run Rest 3 km run 25-30 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
3 Rest 3.5 km run Rest or Cross train 4 km run Rest 4 km run 25-30 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
4 Rest 3 km run Rest or Cross train 4.5 km run Rest 5 km run 30-35 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
5 Rest 3 km run Rest or Cross train 4.5 km run Rest 6 km run 35-40 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
6 Rest 3 km run Cross train 5 km run Rest 7 km run 25-30 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
7 Rest 3 km run Cross train 3 km run Rest 8 km run 35-40 min  run at comfortable pace  or Cross train
8 Rest 3 km run Rest or Cross train 2 km run Rest Rest Launceston 10 Race!

The easter survival guide

4 Easy tips on how to enjoy Easter and not break your diet.

Change your attitude
Think of feeling healthier, and of the time when you will look in the mirror and see want you want to see. Work on getting 'R.I.C.H' - Rewarded, Inspired, Confident and Happy.
Divert your attention
Easter activities do not need to involve food. Use the public holidays to go for walks in the lighter mornings or tackle those tasks you've been putting off. Incidental activity will earn you kilojoules too!

Beware of supermarket shelves
If you can see the Easter aisle and it's calling your name... simply avoid it. As soon as you stroll along - you'll be offered temptation at eye level in the forms of easter chocolates and treats - best to get out of that isle fast!

Treat yourself
Your eating plan does not have to mean you have to completely miss out. Treat yourself to one Easter egg. If allowing yourself one egg stops you jumping off the wagon, then have one.

Training for the Gold Coast Marathon. Weekly Vlog. Week 4 of 14

Another week down, 11 more to go! Follow my weekly vlog of my training program for the Gold Coast Marathon.
So far, so good! I am feeling great and looking forward to covering more distance in my long run next week...BRING IT ON!!!

The ultimate workout for the ultimate UFC body

The UFC personal trainer

Set personal goals and achieve real results with a mixed martial arts (MMA) fitness program designed by leading MMA training experts.

The UFC personal trainer offers the following:
  • A challenging and motivating UFC fitness experience.
  • Over 70 MMA approved exercises
  • Customizable workout routines with up to 12 different exercises. 
  • Personalized training tools, enabling you to build strenght, burn calories, lose weight and meet your fitness goals.
  • Multi player mode.
  • A dedicated program system aimed at the players losing weight, building strength and improving performance.
  • An in-game journal and motivational support to help the players meet their desired results.
*Released June 2011

Get fit faster with these running sprint workouts

30-Second Running Sprints

Short, high intensity sprint workouts improve endurance and aerobic capacity  in about half the time of traditional endurance exercise. Therefore, if you're short on time, but want the cardiovascular benefits that an endurance exercise provides, sprint workouts might be your perfect solution.

The benefits of sprint workouts
  • Short bouts of intense exercise improves muscle performance and health.
  • The muscles of the trained group have a significant increase in citrate synthesis (citrate is an enzyme that is a marker of the tissue's ability to utilize oxygen). 
  • Burns more calories than the same amount of time in moderate levels cardiovascular exercise.
How to do the 30 second sprint workout 

  • Safety. Sprinting is a high intensity exercise and it is recommended that you check with your doctor before commencing this program. 
  • Base Fitness. To build a strong base fitness in running follow the 10% rule and gradually increase your training volume.
  • Delayed onset muscle soreness. If you haven't done much training prior to this workout, launching into a sprinting program may cause delayed onset muscle soreness. It is recommend that you do 3-4 weeks of base fitness before beginning a sprinting program.
  • Warm up. Warming up before high intensity exercise programs will prevent you from getting injured during your program.
How to do a running sprint workout. 
  • How Often? As a sprint workout is high intensity, it shouldn't be done more than 3 days a week, with plenty of rest in between workouts.  
  • Warm up. Ensure that you warm up thoroughly with easy exercise for 5-10 minutes prior to preforming the sprint exercises. 
  • Sprint. Run for 30 seconds at about 60 % max intensity. If you feel any joint pain or muscle tightness, continue to warm up.
  • Recover. Recover for 2 minutes by jogging (or walking depending on your fitness level) at a comfortable pace.
  • Sprint. Run your next 30 second sprint at about 80 % max intensity.
  • Recover. Recover for 2 minutes.
  • Sprint. Perform the remainder of your 30 second sprints at 100 % max intensity.
  • Recover. After each sprint at 100 % max intensity, recover for 2 to 4 minutes.
  • Repeat. The sprint/recovery routine should be repeated 4-8 times depending upon your fitness levels. For your first sprint workout, you will want to stop at 4 sprints. That's fine, as over time you will be able to build up to 8. 
  • Rest and recovery. Ensure you have at least one to two days of rest or other easy exercise between sprint workouts.

Training for the Gold Coast Marathon. Weekly Vlog. Week 3 of 14


Is 'The 4 hour body' a scam?

Like any new slightly unconventional collection of methods or formula, the natural reaction from most people would be, “Is The 4 Hour Body a scam?”. This natural reaction is perfectly understandable with so many "ground breaking" informational books in the market.

The 4-Hour Body Scam will be debated all over the internet.  However, when reading informational books (like the 4 hour body) it is best to read them with an objective attitude. After all the worst case scenario after reading this book is that you cant get the formulas to work for you but you have still had an interesting and varied read.

To sum it up, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you will find many varied views on the 4 hour body but the best thing is to take action and see for your self!


Ditch the workout, join the Zumba party!

What is it?

Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends contagious steps and red-hot Latin music to form a cardiovascular exercise (which is more like a fitness party) that is lots of fun and easy to learn.

Is Zumba good for weight loss?

Zumba mixes cardio with good intervals of resistance training making an optimal fitness choice.  Zumba the mixes fun and easy-to-follow dance steps with interval and resistance training which will maximizes fat burning, caloric output and tone the entire body. As Zumba is a fun form of exercise, people seem to forget about working out during a Zumba session, allowing them to exercise longer.

 Whats a zumba class like?
A typical Zumba session lasts about an hour. It incorporates the following dance styles; including cumbia, merengue, salsa, reggaeton, mambo, rumba, flamenco and calypso. To allow for a great cardio workout and body sculpting it has both fast and slow rhythms of Latin music.
    Is Zumba for me?

    If you enjoy motivating, high energy music, and like to try unique moves and combinations, Zumba may be your ticket to fitness. Zumba is the fastest growing fitness sensation so locating a Zumba class should be easy. A single Zumba session costs around $10 to $15. If you'd rather stay home and exercise, there is a wide range of Zumba DVD's available.

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