The health benefits of tea

How is tea good for the body?
  • Tea contains high levels of anitoxidants, which help your body fight against dangerous diseases like heart disease or cancer.
  • Tea also contains fluoride, which helps control the formation of plaque and control bad breath by its bacteria killing properties.

Which teas are better for the body?
  • White tea has more antioxidants than any other tea.
  • Green tea has more antioxidants than black tea since black tea goes through more processing.
  • Freshly brewed teas have more antioxidants than instant or bottled teas.
  • Higher quality teas may have more antioxidants than lower quality teas.
  • Freshly brewed teas have more antioxidants than instant or bottled teas.
  • Brewed (cold or hot) or caffeinated tea has more antioxidants than instant teas.

Health benefits of tea
  • Enhancing the body’s immune system
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol levels
  • Increasing HDL cholesterol levels
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Lowering the risk of stroke
  • Thinning the blood, reducing the risk of a heart attack
  • Preventing dental cavities and gingivitis
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Boosting longevity
  • Aiding digestion

 So what are you wating for? 
Put the kettle on and make yourself a cuppa!

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