The easter survival guide

4 Easy tips on how to enjoy Easter and not break your diet.

Change your attitude
Think of feeling healthier, and of the time when you will look in the mirror and see want you want to see. Work on getting 'R.I.C.H' - Rewarded, Inspired, Confident and Happy.
Divert your attention
Easter activities do not need to involve food. Use the public holidays to go for walks in the lighter mornings or tackle those tasks you've been putting off. Incidental activity will earn you kilojoules too!

Beware of supermarket shelves
If you can see the Easter aisle and it's calling your name... simply avoid it. As soon as you stroll along - you'll be offered temptation at eye level in the forms of easter chocolates and treats - best to get out of that isle fast!

Treat yourself
Your eating plan does not have to mean you have to completely miss out. Treat yourself to one Easter egg. If allowing yourself one egg stops you jumping off the wagon, then have one.

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