6 Easy tips to deal with muscle soreness from exercise

How To Deal With Muscle 

Soreness After Exercise

You start out at the gym and expect to feel great, but after your first exercise session your muscles are stiff and sore and you end up feeling worst than you did when you started your fitness program. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the reason why many people starting at a gym end up quitting in the first few weeks of their exercise program. However, the truth is, if you want to be fitter and for your body to feel better you need to spend some time being sore at first. 


The good news is that you can minimize your muscle soreness when embarking on a new exercise program by following these 6 easy steps. 

1.     Don’t do too much too soon Ease into your new exercise program to achieve a steady progress. Don’t do too much too soon. It is easy to get excited and overdo it on your first day. But you will feel it the next day and if it doesn’t deter you altogether, you will end up delaying your exercise program while you recover. 

2.    Embrace the soreness - A little soreness from exercise is your body’s way of telling you that it is adapting to the physical demands you have place on it. Although, muscle soreness is bothersome, it’s only a temporary measure and once you’ve work through the pain, you are going to be fitter than before.

3.    Eat a healthy diet – What you put into your body is vital. Food is a fuel source for the body. The more you exercise the better you need and the better you eat the less sore your muscles will become. 

4.    Stretch – Stretching is often overlooked in an exercise regime. But stretching your muscles before and after a workout will improve your blood circulation, increase your recovery time and reduce the risks of damaging your body through muscle damage.

5.    Ice – Ice aids the blood circulation to your muscles which can reduce swelling and aid in recovery time. 

6.    Exercise – This may be the last thing you feel like doing when you are sore. But exercise improves circulation which will reduce muscle soreness.


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