6 steps to help you break bad eating habits

How To Overcome 
Unhealthy Eating Habits
1. Take baby steps - Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can improve your health as well as trim your waistline.  Examples of these include;
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast every day.
  • Eat your meals at a table without distractions.
  • Fatigue can lead to over eating so ensure you get at least 8hrs of sleep.
  • Chew more.
  • Drink more water and less sugary drinks.
  • Switch to low fat dairy products
  • Eat more fiber in your diet
  • Reduce your portion sizes by 20%
  • Eat a healthy snack every few hours
  • Don’t skip meals
  • Eat when your hungry and stop when your full
  • Use non-stick fry pans to minimize oil use
  • Try different cooking methods such as baking, grilling and roasting
  • East smaller portions of calorie rich foods and larger portions of water-rich foods (eg soups, vegetables and salads)
  • Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day
2. Keep a food diary – Paying attention to what you’re eating and drinking is one of the first steps toward conquering bad eating. By reading food labels and become familiar with food ingredients you will become aware of everything you put into your mouth and start to realize how your diet needs to improve.

3.  Make a specific plan – By making a plan that will fit into your lifestyle is more helpful than saying ‘I’m going to eat better’. Write down your specific goals and how you are going to adapt your lifestyle to achieve these goals. For example if you goal is to have more fruit in your diet and you plan to achieve this by taking a piece of fruit to work every day.

4. Set mini goals Mini goals will eventually add up to major change. For example, if your goal is have more vegetables in your diet, look for easy ways to add one more serving of vegetables to your diet each week until you reach your goal.  

5.  Be realistic - Don't expect too much from yourself too soon. Slow and steady wins the race - It takes about at least a month for any new action to become habit. 

6.  Manage stress  – Deal with stress through exercise, medication relaxation, or whatever works for you. This will help prevent you from falling into the bad habit of using food to help you cope with stressful situations.


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