Increase your motivation to exercise.

7 ways to increase your 

motivation to exercise


Write Down Specific Goals

Goal setting is important, but that’s not enough. Goals must be specific and associated with a length of time. You may find it helpful to write down your goals on a sheet of paper and read them aloud twice a day (morning and evening). This will help condition your subconscious mind to believe in your goals and your outward actions (exercising and eating well) will reflect this desire and self belief.

Write a Contract

Writing a contract helps people to stay motivated by creating a sense of accountability. The contract can include the following:
  • Specific fitness goals
  • How you plan on achieving your fitness goals
  • What are your barriers to achieving your fitness goals and how you will overcome them
  • What date you aim to reach your fitness goal.
  • Your signature and the date you signed the contract
Some people find it helpful to stick their fitness contract up on the fridge so they can visualize it on a daily basis.


Have a clear picture on how you want to look and feel. Think of this visualization whenever you are faced with a barrier to exercise or healthy eating and think of it often.

Find an Emotional Trigger

It is often a ‘final’ trigger before we take action to exercise and eat better. The trigger can be a doctor telling us we are morbidly obese, have high blood pressure or the trigger maybe that you are no longer able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans. Whatever your emotional trigger is, use it to your advantage.

Track your Progress

Positive change is a HUGE motivator and if you don’t track your progress, you will have no idea if you are on the path towards reaching your goals. Assess your progress regularly and adjust your fitness program accordingly.

Get Family and Friend Support

Making changes to your lifestyle can be challenging. By telling your close family and friends about your health and fitness goals you will build a support group which will create a positive energy around your efforts.

Subscribe to a Fitness Magazine

Consistently reading fitness related articles can do wonders for your motivation and can assist you in adhering to your exercise program.  

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