When the kilo’s comes back…

Know the risks of constant yo yo dieting? Wanna break the habit for good? This article will show you how.

BE PATIENT              
Don’t try and loose too much too soon. 10 percent over six months is the recommended weight loss amount.

One of the most important tips for being successful at losing weight is not letting past failed attempts at weight loss keep you from trying again.

If you get bored with your diet switch healthy eating plans.

So you can distinguish when you’re eating for emotional reasons, record your mood changes.

If you lose 12kg and gain 1.5kg, it can be easy to think that it is no big deal. However this is a dangerous slope and you can easily gain more weight if you’re not careful. To prevent this from happening weight yourself on a weekly basis and have a clear plan of action if the scale swing the wrong way.

Many studies have shown that socializing with others who have successfully weight lost weight improves your chances of maintaining weight loss.

“Dieting” has the unconscious association of being a temporary fix as fad/crash diets are impossible to maintain. Think of what you’re doing as a permanent lifestyle change: ‘This is now how I eat’.

I know its old news, but to loose and keep weight off you need to exercise as well as eating a balanced diet. This doesn’t mean that you have to train for a marathon, but 30 minutes of brisk walking everyday is all you need to build muscle, burn calories, reduce cravings, and increase your ‘feel good’ endorphin levels.

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