Want to do your first ever 5k fun run?
Here are a few tips to get you started…

WRITE IT DOWN - Set clear and attainable goals such as; I want to run the local 5k fun in12 weeks time and mark it down on your calendar. ‘It's a dream until you write it down, and then it’s a goal’ Anonymous. 

ENLIST A FRIEND TO DO THE EVENT WITH YOU - This will make the event more enjoyable and you will have each other to rely on form motivation and support. 

SHOES - It is important to have the appropriate foot wear which is the right fit for you and won’t cause you and injuries.

USE A RUNNING PROGRAM - A beginner running program will help you to increase your fitness, lose weight and reduce your risk of injuries by giving you a slow build up to your runs. For a great beginners running program click here

REWARD YOURSELF - When you achieve your goals, it is important that you congratulate yourself by either giving yourself a compliment or treating yourself to something nice like a massage or a warm bath.

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