Home exercises

Want To Strengthen 
Your Shoulders And Arms?
Here Are Some Easy Exercises You Can Do At Home

Wall Push-Ups - are an excellent upper body, Exercise. When preformed correctly a wall push-up can help strengthen and build muscle in the chest and triceps.
  • Stand facing a wall with your feet about 1 to 2 steps back from it.
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the wall.
  • Bending only at the elbows, lower yourself forward towards the wall then push yourself away from it.
  • Keep your body stiff and straight during the movement.
Standing Rows – Are a great exercise you’re your back, shoulder and bicep muscles
  • From a standing position with feet shoulder with apart.
  • Loop a towel around a vertical pole or column or another fixed object so that the ends of the towel are pointing towards you and the towel is wrapped around the far side of the pole.
  • Have your feet close up to the pole and lean back gripping on the ends of the towel and keeping your body stiff and straight.
  • Row yourself up with both arms.
  • Keep your back arched and row with your back.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses - This exercise is great for developing the entire shoulder muscle group.
  • Use something around the house for weight (such as soup cans or water bottles filled with water).
  • From a standing or seated position, hold the weights just above your shoulders.
  • Push them up overhead slowly.
  • Lower slowly and repeat.
Dumbbell Curls – Are a great bicep exercise.
  • Stand with your knees slightly bent, arms at your sides, holding dumbbells in your hands. 
  • With your upper arm pinned at your side, lift the weight up to shoulder level.
  • Your palm should be facing forward all the way up and all the way down.
  • Squeeze hard at the top then lower slowly.
  • Alternate with each arm.

Bench Dips – are great exercises to target you triceps and pectoral muscles.

  • These can be done on the edge of a chair or bench.
  • Sit on the side edge of a flat bench or the front edge of a chair.
  • Place your hands on the edge of the chair right beside your glutes and grip the edge.
  • To start with, your feet should be flat on the floor about two feet in front of you with your knees bent.
  • Move yourself off the chair so you are now supporting yourself on your hands.
  • Bend your arms, dipping your body down. Go down only as far as you feel comfortable (be careful not to bounce out of the bottom).
  • Squeezing the triceps, push back up.
  • To minimize shoulder stress, as your doing bench dips keep your back close to the edge of the bench.
  • When you're done the set, sit back onto the chair.

*Note: Repeat the movement 10 -15 times. Preforming 1 to 3 sets and rest for 30 to 60 seconds between each set.                            

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