Introducing KFC's Double Down Burger

The burger that will take an hour
 of intense exercise to burn off!

The Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) double down burger contains;
  • 2 slices of bacon.
  • 2 Original Recipe fillets.
  • Colonel's Special Sauce.
  • 1 slice pepper Jack cheese.
  • 1 slice Monterey Jack cheese.

Whats the damage?
The double down burger contains
  • 23grams of fat.
  • 1939 kilojoules.
*Note: The Zinger version has a whopping 35.7g of fat and 2515kilojoules!

Think twice before treating yourself to this new controversial burger as it will take you an hour on the treadmill to work it off and that's without the soft drink and fries that goes with it.

Looking for a low fat and healthier alternative? Try these healthier burger options...

Tristan Miller runs 52 marathons in 52 weeks!!!

This man is a true inspiration. He is living proof that you can live your dreams.

The health benefits of tea

How is tea good for the body?
  • Tea contains high levels of anitoxidants, which help your body fight against dangerous diseases like heart disease or cancer.
  • Tea also contains fluoride, which helps control the formation of plaque and control bad breath by its bacteria killing properties.

Which teas are better for the body?
  • White tea has more antioxidants than any other tea.
  • Green tea has more antioxidants than black tea since black tea goes through more processing.
  • Freshly brewed teas have more antioxidants than instant or bottled teas.
  • Higher quality teas may have more antioxidants than lower quality teas.
  • Freshly brewed teas have more antioxidants than instant or bottled teas.
  • Brewed (cold or hot) or caffeinated tea has more antioxidants than instant teas.

Health benefits of tea
  • Enhancing the body’s immune system
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol levels
  • Increasing HDL cholesterol levels
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Lowering the risk of stroke
  • Thinning the blood, reducing the risk of a heart attack
  • Preventing dental cavities and gingivitis
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Boosting longevity
  • Aiding digestion

 So what are you wating for? 
Put the kettle on and make yourself a cuppa!

Glycemic index – What is it? And why is it important?

The Glycemic Index

What is the Glycemic index?
The glycemic index (GI)is a scientific ranking of how our blood sugar levels are affected 2 to 3 hours after eating food. The GI ranges from 0 to 100 and is measured against pure glucose, which has a value of 100 on the index.  

Low GI = 0 – 55   
During digestion, low GI foods are broken down and release blood sugar into the blood stream at a gradual rate which keeps the blood sugar levels steady. 

Moderate GI = 56 – 69 
During digestion, low GI foods are broken down and release blood sugar into the blood stream at a moderate rate.

High GI = 70 – 100  
Digestion breaks down high GI foods and releases blood sugar into the blood stream at a rapid rate causing marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Glycemic Index Food List
Low GI food (0-55)
  • Most non starchy vegetables - 15
  • Tomatoes - 15
  • Peas - 22
  • Cherries - 22
  • Low-fat yogurt with sugar - 33
  • Pear - 36
  • Apple - 36
  • Whole wheat spaghetti - 37
  • Tomato soup - 38
  • Grapes – 43

Medium GI foods (56-70)
  • Kiwifruit – 52
  • Orange Juice – 52
  • Banana – 53
  • Sweet potato - 54
  • Brown rice – 54
  • White rice – 56
  • Sultanas – 64
  • Instant porridge – 65
  • Pineapple – 66
  • Whole wheat bread – 68
High GI foods (71-100)
  • Bagel – 72
  • Watermelon – 72
  • Honey - 73
  • Mashed potato – 73
  • Doughnuts – 75
  • White bread – 77
  • Jelly beans – 80
  • Rice cakes - 82
  • Cornflakes – 84
  • Baked potato - 85

Benefits of low GI meals
Low GI meals will provide you with sustained energy levels ease food cravings and leave you feeling fuller longer. A low GI lifestyle is the perfect option if you’re looking to either lose weight, or maintain your existing weight.
Low GI diets have the following long term health benefits;
  • Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin.
  • Control and stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  • Raise your HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
  • Lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
  • Assist you with weight loss.
  • Lower your risk of heart disease.

Training for the Gold Coast Marathon, Weekly Vlog. Week 1 of 14

10 simple rules of support to help any dieter go the distance

What To Do And What Not To Do

To Help A Dieter Succeed 


1. Encouragement - encourage the dieter on the things they are doing right and applaud them for reaching their goal or even trying to reach their goals.

2. Adapt their healthy behaviors - Eating some of their meals with them or by joining them in their daily exercise program. This will not only show how much you support them in making positive changes to their lifestyle, but it will also be beneficial to you.

3. Develop healthy rewards - If the dieter has met their weekly or monthly goal, plan celebratory rewards for them that don’t focus on food. For example, plan a weekend getaway at a beach, a massage or a hair appointment.

4. Care about the person, not the diet - it is of utmost importance that your loved one who is trying to lose weight knows that you care about them and that they can count on your support in their life - no matter what their size.

5. Listen, don't judge - Enquire the dieter about their progress and make sure you are there to listen if they are having a bad day. This will help the dieter to deal with stress by talking to someone who cares and will listen, instead of turning to food for comfort.

6. Be supportive - Dieting is emotionally demanding and it really important that the dieter knows that you are there for them and wanting to help. If the dieter is a person who you don’t see every day make sure you call, message or email frequently to let them know you are thinking about them – not their weight.

7. Celebrate the small goals - To keep the dieter motivated, it is important to be creative in finding ways to celebrate the dieter's successes which doesn’t focus on eating. For example, bring them flowers, or treat them to a movie or a sporting event.  
8. Encourage a healthy lifestyle - Don't just tell someone they need to go to the gym more, go to the gym with them. This will not only encourage the person to go to the gym but it will also show them that you support them in achieving a healthy lifestyle. 

9. Learn about their weight loss program - Make an effort to learn about their diet plan (such as the kinds of foods they're eating, how it works, and what the plan involves). This will give you a better understanding of what the dieter is going through and it will help you to be more supportive.

10. Be positive - Being positive is the most important tip for anyone who is supporting a loved one to lose weight. If the dieter has a bad day and wants to throw in the towel, remind them of their accomplishments and encourage them to move forward and let them know you believe in their abilities to achieve their goals. 


1. Don't tempt them - Respect the dieter's food choices, and don't tempt them with a "bite" of this or a "nibble” of that. Bites and nibbles add up and can sabotage a weight loss plan.  

2. Don't become the "food police” - Such as locking away food you think the dieter shouldn’t have or reprimanding them for having the “wrong” thing.

3. Don't put the dieter down - An easy way to ensure you don’t do this is by ‘not saying anything to the dieter that you wouldn’t want said to yourself’ and remember that words can be hurtful. 

4. Don't be judgmental - Avoid phrases such as ‘why did you eat that?’ or ‘did you stick to your diet today?’ You are not the umpire of the dieter’s life, so it is not your role to judge or criticize.

5. Don't overdo your support - Don’t bombard the dieter with subscriptions to fitness magazines, weight loss books, or low calorie cook books (unless the dieter says that’s what they want). Although, this is a helpful gesture if you overdo it, it can come across as rude.  


6 Easy tips to deal with muscle soreness from exercise

How To Deal With Muscle 

Soreness After Exercise

You start out at the gym and expect to feel great, but after your first exercise session your muscles are stiff and sore and you end up feeling worst than you did when you started your fitness program. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the reason why many people starting at a gym end up quitting in the first few weeks of their exercise program. However, the truth is, if you want to be fitter and for your body to feel better you need to spend some time being sore at first. 


The good news is that you can minimize your muscle soreness when embarking on a new exercise program by following these 6 easy steps. 

1.     Don’t do too much too soon Ease into your new exercise program to achieve a steady progress. Don’t do too much too soon. It is easy to get excited and overdo it on your first day. But you will feel it the next day and if it doesn’t deter you altogether, you will end up delaying your exercise program while you recover. 

2.    Embrace the soreness - A little soreness from exercise is your body’s way of telling you that it is adapting to the physical demands you have place on it. Although, muscle soreness is bothersome, it’s only a temporary measure and once you’ve work through the pain, you are going to be fitter than before.

3.    Eat a healthy diet – What you put into your body is vital. Food is a fuel source for the body. The more you exercise the better you need and the better you eat the less sore your muscles will become. 

4.    Stretch – Stretching is often overlooked in an exercise regime. But stretching your muscles before and after a workout will improve your blood circulation, increase your recovery time and reduce the risks of damaging your body through muscle damage.

5.    Ice – Ice aids the blood circulation to your muscles which can reduce swelling and aid in recovery time. 

6.    Exercise – This may be the last thing you feel like doing when you are sore. But exercise improves circulation which will reduce muscle soreness.